Friday, November 9, 2018

How to kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria?

There is an intestinal bacteria that is causing problems during several decades, but there's little chance you've heard of it. A Japanese doctor reveals how to kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria at the root that causes gastritis, ulcers and more!

This bacterium is called Helicobacter Pylori or simply H Pylori. This is a complicated asymptomatic intestinal bacterium, which is difficult to detect without medical evidence.

How do you know?

There are some embarrassing symptoms that include bloating, belching, diarrhea, esophageal reflux, constipation, upper and mid abdominal pain and flatulence.

Most people think that these are normal symptoms of the body, without recognizing the health problem. This bacterium is the main cause of gastritis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. But, H Pylori is also giving rise to numerous non-digestive conditions, such as cardiovascular disorders and migraines.

H pylori can also cause anxiety and depression. The reason for this is a serotonin shortage in the brain.

It could happen to you!

It is so difficult to handle such problems, especially when you have no idea what is happening inside the body. First, this spiral-shaped bacteria is residing in the lining of the stomach. This condition is usually not associated with problems that affect such as depression and anxiety. On the other hand, the bacteria is working in a disguised way, in order to change the way you feel without giving you signals of what is happening.

Most people come into contact with H Pylori by consuming contaminated food and water. This is happening through fecal matter. If someone is preparing food without washing their hands, they may be at risk of contracting H Pylori. Therefore, make sure that the conditions in your home or in the restaurant you are visiting are hygienic.

What can be done to combat this bacterium

More than 80% of cases with H Pylori are treated successfully. Antibiotics are very useful in these types of cases and medical help is required.

A good diet is very important in order to keep this bacteria away from your stomach. The consumption of vitamins A, C and E, along with zinc and probiotics, is also very important to protect the lining of the stomach.

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